Monday, July 19, 2010


With today's diet you will notice every diet recommends that you drink water. Almost two quarts to be exact and usually this is not enough. Because if you are obese you need to drink about eight ounces of water for every twenty five pounds that you are over your ideal weight. This amount of water does not matter whether you pop diet pills, supplements, shakes go on a low cal or low fat diet. No matter what the diet or supplement water should be a major part of the diet.

Most people no matter what there weight usually do not drink enough water. Most people feel that any liquid qualifies and this is not true. Diet pops have no sugar but they contain chemical sweeteners that contain fewer calories but start teaching the body to start to become addictive to the empty calories that it can provide. The chemicals will also start the body craving sugar until it becomes an automatic response when you have a diet pop.

There have been a couple of different studies that have suggested that by consuming diet soda, sport drinks,alcoholic beverages, juices, teas and coffee you set your body up for a food binge. When drinking these different but like drinks, the body waits for more calories to follow and be consumed. This is the sweet response that happens when you consume the different drinks. The body will react when it does not receive more calories after consuming these drinks by encouraging it to eat more to compensate for the calories it did not receive. Water changes all of this.

Water is something the body needs and responds to. Most people are dehydrated and do not know or understand this. Many headaches are a result from not enough water in the body. There are many indicators from headaches to a very dark color in your urine. The water provides many useful and necessary chores within the body. Water will help the body and especially the kidneys flush toxins that are a result from exercising and your diet. The more water you drink in a day the easier and more efficient your kidneys. Your metabolism will slow down without enough water and you want this working at peak efficiency.

The brain does not differentiate between hunger and thirst and many times those hunger pangs are in actuality a cry for more clear liquid, water. You will rarely drink to much water but most of us do not drink enough. Water in any diet is a natural appetite suppressant and why most supplements require you to drink a glass a water shortly before eating your meal. Most people that do this may attribute the lack of hunger or the loss of some weight to the supplement but in reality it comes from the water. Yes the people that market the supplement and write the information that is on the side of the boxes do know this. If you took a dietary supplement, these people understand that the success of their product depends on you drinking a full glass of water before taking their product.

Save the money and drink more water. Water will allow your body to cleanse itself from the burning of calories and help keep the toxins from doing damage to your body. Water will help your metabolism work efficiently and to its full capacity. By the drinking of the proper amounts of water your kidneys will work more efficiently and allow your liver to be free to increase it's fat burning abilities. When in doubt drink water as it has nothing harmful to your body in it. By drinking cold water you will increase the burning of calories as your body needs to warm the water so it can be used. This heating of the water needs to use energy to warm the water. So drink plenty of water and even when you think you have drank enough drink one more as water will do more to help you to lose weight than any other food you can eat or drink. So sit down and kick back and enjoy some cold and clear water.

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